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Class IX – Mathematics
1 Real Numbers
1) Introduction to rational numbers
2)Square-root of irrational number by division
3)Representation of irrational numbers on the number line
4)Representation of Real numbers
on the number line by successive magnification
5)operations on real numbers
6)rationalizing the denominator
7) Laws of Exponents-Surd definition
2 Polynomials
1)What is a polynomial
2)Degree of a polynomial
3)Zeroes of a polynomial
4)Dividing polynomials
5)Remainder Theorem
6)Factorizing a polynomial using Factor theorem
7)Algebraic Identities
3 Elements of Geometry
1)Axioms and postulates
2)Non-Euclidean geometry introduction
4 Lines and Angles
1)Basic Terms-point, line etc
2)Pairs of Angles
3)Lines and a transversal
4)Angle sum property of a Triangles
5 Co-ordinate geometry
1)Locating a point
2)Cartesian system and origin
3)plotting a point -
6 Linear Equation in two variables
1)Linear equation in two variables
2)Solution of a linear equation
3)Graph of a linear equation
4)Equations of lines parallel to X- axis and Y-axis
7 Triangles
1)Criteria for congruency of triangles (SAS, ASA)
2)Isosceles triangle
3) Criteria for congruency of triangles (SSS, RHS)
4)Inequalities of triangles
8 Quadrilaterals
1) Types of Quadrilaterals
2)Parallelogram and its properties
3)Mid-point theorem and converse
9 Statistics
1)Collection of data
2)Presentation of data-inclusive and exclusive classes
3)Measures of central tendency-
mean, median and mode of ungrouped data
10 Surface areas and volumes
1) LSA, TSA and volume of cuboid
2)CSA, TSA and volume of cylinder
3) CSA, TSA and volume of Cone
4) surface area and volume of sphere and hemi-sphere
11 Areas
1)Area of planar regions
2) Area of Rectangle
3) Figures on the same base and
between the same parallels
3)Parallelograms on the same base
and between same parallels (11.1 theorem)
4) Triangles on the same base and
between same parallels (11.6 theorem)
12 Circles
1)Angle subtended by a chord
2)Perpendicular from centre of a circle to a chord
3) circle through three non- collinear points
4)Chords and their distance from the center
5)Angle subtended by an arc of a circle
6)A line segment joining any two
points subtending equal angles at two other points on the same side, the four points are concyclic
7)cyclic quadrilateral at two other points on the same side, the four points are concyclic
13 Constructions
1)Basic constructions
2)base, base angle and sum of two sides
3)base, base angle and difference of two sides
4)perimeter and base angles
5)To construct a circle segment given chord and given an angle.
14 Probability
1)Types of chances
2)Random experiment and outcomes
3) Trails and events
4) Linking the chance to the probability
5) use of probability in real life.
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